Thursday, April 28, 2011

My reaction to the collubine shooting

I am not really sure how i feel about the shooting at Collumbine highschool. I don't want to sound heartless and cold, but i really don't feel any different after reading this. Of course I think it was a terrible event but i am so used to hearing about death in the new and all throughout the rest of the world that i kind of just got used to it and learned to put up with it. I don't know whats going on the the world but it seems like death, and disaster are becoming the new trend. I used to always try to think of ways to achieve world peace but i could never find an the answer. Now matter how hard i thought about it i just could never come up with the answer. But i did come up with the main reasons i think we can't achieve world peace and those are selfishness and inconsideration.

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